We are the majority, ordinary working people reduced to living hand to mouth. This is the reality.

Andrew Rogers, Grimsby

Keep power prices down and cut down on dividends to shareholders.

Dorothy Joyce Cox, Poole

The cost of energy is going to be of increasing significance. People must make themselves heard.

John Butler, Strabane

Well done to our various governments of the last 30 years for screwing us all over and leaving themselves looked after. For shame, give us all a chance to live.

Joseph Yhap, London

We are being ripped off by these companies. Let’s disband them now and take back ownership.

Sue Underwood, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

I’m sick of being robbed.

Arthur Griffiths, Skelmersdale

It should never have happened in the first place. It just cost us all a lot of money. And for what?

Brian Cann, Yeovil

All profit to be re-invested in the service.

Brian Billingham, Leeds

Full nationalisation of all the utilities is the only way to end the rip-off.

Robert McArdle, Coventry

I’m sat in a cold freezing room writing this with my feet in the cat box, just to keep some warmth and circulation going.

Bob Green, Sheffield

One of the best things for UK people and UK finance would be the re-nationalisation of power and railways.

Lesley Burt, Christchurch

We need to get back to a uniform fair price with profits going into improvements, not shareholders’ pockets.

Wendy Welford, Thirsk

I just want a reliable, fair, publicly-owned utility, not a never-ending cycle of chasing different suppliers to get good value.

Martyn Wilson, Farnborough

Our energy needs to be renewable and prices need to be fairer for all.

Laura Long, Leeds

No need to feed the greed. Plant the seed.

Bryan Burrow, Kendal

Re-nationalise and invest profits instead of paying out to shareholders.

Wilfred John Barker, Wigton

Privatisation has seen us ripped off left and right, not least by the energy companies. This needs to be rectified.

Alexander Atkin, Sheffield

I am so fed up with how the corporates and bankers pull the strings of the government. There are simple and cheap pollution-free solutions to the energy problems.

Yvonne Mustapha, High Wycombe

An efficiently run and publicly accountable energy provider must be better than a pure profit model.

David Line, Luton

All this tinkering around the edges of a corrupt system and empty threats to indifferent power companies is meaningless. Re-nationalise now.

Mark Dickson, Hebden Bridge

Privatisation of Britain’s public services has been a disaster for consumers, the environment and the economy.

Jim Dignan, Sheffield

Excellent cause. Well done. When the government washes its hands of its responsibility to the people, the people must take action to protect themselves.

Graham Coulson, Cambridge

There are those that can and those that cannot heat their homes. I’m for supporting and speaking up for those that can’t.

Mitch James, Bristol

I have worked all my life and receive no benefits. At 64, I am sitting at home wearing three sweaters as I type this. Fuel supplies should never have been privatised.

Kathleen Purves, South Shields

The power companies were stolen from the people. Repossess them immediately.

Peter Swindells, Wolverhampton

Give us our money back you thieving gits watching us suffer.

Jojo Llewellyn, Swansea

It is about time it was re-nationalised.

Paul Baker, Winsford

The huge growth in profit taken by the Big Six over the last four years – from

Jane Lowry, Falmouth

Don’t they think we pay enough? The government gave the nurses 1% and then the power companies put their prices up by 10%.

Alan Bettridge, London

Trusting energy companies to run their businesses for the benefit of customers is naive. Privatisation means profits first and last.

Michael Burnett, London