Report: Public Ownership of the UK Energy System

14th April 2016 | Evidence / News

Here is some brilliant new evidence to back up what we have been saying for the last three years!

A new report launched today by our friends at We Own It and written by David Hall, Professor at the Public Services International Research Unit at the University of Greenwich, shows that publicly owned energy would pay for itself in just ten years.

Implementing the plan, which combines national, regional and local public ownership of our energy generation, transmission, distribution and supply, would allow for savings of £3.2billion per year made possible by the lower cost of borrowing in the public sector, and an end to profiteering by shareholders.

Green MP Caroline Lucas says: “This report backs up what the majority of British people already think: a public energy system would be better for everyone. A publicly owned system would benefit from the low cost of borrowing, and – with no shareholders to pay – bills could be kept lower, permanently.”

Read the report

UK Energy